Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The 50th Day of School!

We are so excited to celebrate the 50th year of Frostwood! As part of our celebration, we will be celebrating the 50th day of school on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. We have planned special activities to commemorate the day. One activity will be compiling a class list of our 50 favorite books. Please help your child brainstorm ideas for our list. We will also be reading and writing for 50 minutes. Students need to find a great book to read. They may also bring a pillow and/or sleeping bag to class that day. If your child rides the bus please make sure the pillow and sleeping bag are small enough to travel on the bus.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Science Benchmark on Wednesday! Study!

Dear Parents,

Wednesday, October 27, we will administer a district science assessment. Please use the SBISD Study Guide book to review the following concepts. The students’ science journal and/or textbook are also good resources.

Tested concepts:
• Scientific Tools
o Page 4-6
• Moon phases and its revolution
o Page 11, 15
• Tides
o Page 16
• Day, night, seasons
o Pages 12, 13
• Shadows
o Page 14
• Water cycle
o Page 39

Thank you!

4th grade teachers

Thursday, October 21, 2010


2X1 digit multiplication

Science Benchmark Review

Red Ribbon Week

Next week is Red Ribbon Week and I wanted to give you all a heads up on the list of activities that the kids can do each day to say No to Drugs:

In observance of Red Ribbon Week, you may choose to say No to Drugs in the following ways:
Monday: “Sock it to Drugs” wear crazy socks
Tuesday: “Can Drugs” bring a can of food for a local food pantry
Wednesday: “Red Out” wear something red to say No to Drugs
Thursday: “I’m a genius, for I will not do Drugs” wear your blue jeans
Friday: “Team up against Drugs” wear your sports team shirt or a spirit

Notice, no hats or sunglasses!!!!

Dorothy C. Thompson
Frostwood Elementary