To: Fourth Grade Students and Parents
From: Julie Sykes and the Fourth Grade Teachers
Re: The Fourth Grade musical play, “On the Radio” and the recorder
Hello Fourth Grade Parents! This note is to update you about music events for the next 3 months. Fourth grade is the year that the students apply the music reading skills they have learned towards the playing of their very own instrument, the recorder. The recorder is a musical instrument in the woodwind family, and we are currently practicing note reading to prepare the students to learn to play the recorder after the play performance! The price of the recorder and book were included with your school supplies at the beginning of the year.
I hope that you have heard that the fourth graders will also all be a part of our grade level musical titled “On the Radio” on Tuesday, January 24th 2012. Even though this date may seem like a long time from now, we have already begun talking about the play and discussing how the scenes will work. We will begin learning some of the songs very soon as well. Every 4th grade student will be featured in a “scene” on stage for our musical. Our fabulous P.T.A. play coordinators, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and Jennifer Evans will soon be meeting with me, and they will begin asking many of you parents for help with scenery, costumes, and programs to make it special. If you have not been contacted yet and would like to help us make this a special program for your child, please feel free to contact then via email at leree.patterson6@gmail.com or revans51@comcast.net. They will hold a meeting with any volunteers within the next few weeks. If you have any questions for me, please contact me at Frostwood via email: julie.sykes@springbranchisd.com.
All students are encouraged but not required to audition for a speaking part for the play. We will hold the auditions for speaking parts the week of Oct. 31-Nov 4th during your child’s music class. I will assign all of the speaking parts based on this audition. If your child wishes to audition, encourage your child to follow the suggestions on the rubric, and try to memorize the lines. Boys and girls should learn both parts that are shown below for the audition.
You will be scored (1-5) on a rubric based on the following:
- Stage presence (Posture, standing tall, looking out at the crowd) 1-5
- Enunciation: (Is it slow and clear? Can we understand you? 1-5
- Expression (Make it interesting to hear you speak)1-5
- Memorization (Can you say it without the script?) 1-5
Audition lines:
Well, Hello Everybody!
It’s Marvelous Mike-- at the Mic!
Welcome to the radio station that plays the hits while YOU sing along!
Jivin Judy:
Jiv’in Judy here. We’ve got the oldies, the goodies, and all of the songs that kids have loved throughout the years! It’s music coming at you, right here on…
BOTH: K.Y.D.Z. The radio station for You and ME!